Adventures of eating and sleeping

Happy New Year 2011!

peter - 7 January 2011

This new year promises to bring about many changes. We are expecting a baby girl in March. This should be interesting.

hold that thought!

Taking the Christmas Train


This is what happens after 5 hours on a train from Boston to Philadelphia:

finally getting Thomas to take a nap on the train

Christmas Presents


Thomas is learning new phrases all the time… “Open it! Open it!”

opening some presents from Oregon

Banana Bread!


“How did flour get in his hair?”

helping bake some banana bread



There’s a reason this bookshelf is on it’s side.

Here's looking at you!

Reading Magazines


Just hanging out with mommy reading one of my favorite magazines… Car and Driver.

reading magazines

Thomas in a tub


“A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug!” — We All Go Traveling By

Thomas in a tub

Halloween 2010


Thomas made a number of appearances this Halloween in his zebra costume. It took him a little while to get warmed up to it.

Am I really wearing this zebra costume?

sliding is always fun

the best part of Halloween: handing out treats

Pumpkin Carving 2010


The trick here was getting Thomas to pull the bits out of the pumpkin and not to put them back in.

pulling out the pumpkin guts

Would you like some?