Adventures of eating and sleeping

6 Month Day!

kristel - 6 March 2009

I can’t believe Thomas already made it to his 1/2 birthday.  Wow, time goes so fast.  Here are the latest diaper and yellow chair pictures.  Enjoy!

Month 6 Cover

Month 6 Cover

Month 6 Yellow Chair

Month 6 Yellow Chair

Teething -> Tooth


All that chewing and drooling until suddenly we discover the very first tooth.  If you look close, maybe you can see the little white glint of a brand new baby tooth.  Or maybe you can’t see it, but that little point is really there!





More New Food…


Daddy feeds me his favorite breakfast, applesauce-oatmeal, and I try out some yummy avocado.  I got it all over me and Mommy wonders if any of it is in my tummy.  So far, I like all the foods I’ve tried, but a few of them are really yummy:

banana – yummy
oatmeal – yummy
applesauce – yummy
sweet potato – yummy

Applesauce Oatmeal is delicious!

Applesauce Oatmeal is delicious!

Look, Daddy, I have my own spoon.

Look, Daddy, I have my own spoon.

Guacamole Baby

Guacamole Baby

6 month weight


Does Thomas or a 25-pound bag of flour weight more?

  • 25-pound bag of flour (2 votes):
    Gramma Kathy (24.5)
    Grampa Jim (24.8)
  • The same (1 vote):
    Jaime (25.0)
  • Thomas (6 votes):
    Valerie (>25.0)
    Peter (25.2)
    Kristel (25.6)
    Teresa (25.7)
    Grandpa Nick (26.0)
    Grandma Eileen (27.0)

The result:  25 lbs 4 oz = 25.25 (Daddy wins!)  ~ 95 %ile

Other stats:
27.5” long  ~ 75 %ile
12-18 month clothes (80-90 european)