kristel - 23 July 2010
Bathtubs can be slippery. Thomas learned this the hard way. He had a fall in the tub. He couldn’t walk. We didn’t know what was wrong because he’s just not that good at explaining things, yet. Two trips to the emergency room and a series of overly traumatic x-rays later, and we discovered the problem. A broken leg. So, now we are halfway through a month of living with a bright green cast. Surprisingly, he’s not that bothered by the cast itself, but more frustrated with life in general. No more splash pad for a while. He’s a master at crawling and today he took his first steps with his “green sock”. Here’s Thomas with cast.

This is not what I had in mind.

But it won't stop me!
Thomas discovered the Splash Pad, a local park that has all kinds of water jets and puddles to jump in. It is just about his favorite thing ever. We had plans to go here all summer long, until… (you will find out in the next post)… Anyway, enjoy the pics.

Testing the water.

This is going to be fun!

What are these?


I can walk silly...

... and stomp my feet!

Ah... now I need a nap!
kristel - 5 July 2010
Thomas is 22 months old today, but I am finally getting around to posting his 21 month old picture. This is the last yellow chair picture before his big 2-year birthday yellow chair picture. Wow! It will be here before we know it. Toddlerhood is a pretty amazing time. He is learning new words every day. I can’t even count them anymore. What fun!

Month 21 Yellow Chair
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