Adventures of eating and sleeping

Easter weight

peter - 12 April 2009

Since we don’t have another official weigh in until the 9 month visit, we did a quick weigh in today.  He’s 26 pounds.

We are up to size 6 disposable diapers and no where near potty training (we need walking and talking).  He did have his first “word”: “uh-huh.”  It actually made sense in context, but it might have just been a fluke.

6 month weight

peter - 6 March 2009

Does Thomas or a 25-pound bag of flour weight more?

  • 25-pound bag of flour (2 votes):
    Gramma Kathy (24.5)
    Grampa Jim (24.8)
  • The same (1 vote):
    Jaime (25.0)
  • Thomas (6 votes):
    Valerie (>25.0)
    Peter (25.2)
    Kristel (25.6)
    Teresa (25.7)
    Grandpa Nick (26.0)
    Grandma Eileen (27.0)

The result:  25 lbs 4 oz = 25.25 (Daddy wins!)  ~ 95 %ile

Other stats:
27.5” long  ~ 75 %ile
12-18 month clothes (80-90 european)

Thomas vs. Sack of Flour

kristel - 24 February 2009

Which weighs more?  Thomas gets officially weighed in 10 days.  Put your vote in now!

25 pounds.

25 pounds.

5 month weight

peter - 7 February 2009

We just weighed him this morning (5 months + 1 day):  23.2 pounds (215.8 – 191.6).

4 Month weight

peter - 9 January 2009

the guesses:

  • Kristel: 21 pounds 12 ounces (21.75 pounds)
  • Grandpa Jim: 21.9 pounds
  • Peter: 22.5 pounds

actual: 22 pounds 2 ounces (22.125 pounds)

114 Day Weight

peter - 28 December 2008

Today we weighed Thomas on the way to the shower: 20.7 pounds (258.5 – 238.7)

Other metrics:

  • clothes size (9 months or 75 cm)
  • foot size (3 US or 19 Euro)
  • disposable diaper size (Pampers Cruisers Size 4: 22-37 pounds)
  • cloth diaper size (Xtra Large Toddler)

December 3 weight

peter - 4 December 2008

the guesses:

  • Peter: 20.5 pounds
  • Grandpa Nick: 20 pounds
  • Grandma Eileen: 19 pounds
  • Kristel: 19.5 pounds

the result: 17.8 pounds.

Note: we didn’t actually get a weight at the doctor’s office.  He was just wisked away to get two shots.  One was very painful, but we think it will be much better than getting a form of Meningitis.  So we weighed him on the bathroom scale: 254.6 – 236.8

2 Month weight

kristel - 7 November 2008

the guesses:

  • Kristel: 15 pounds 8 ounces
  • Peter: 15 pounds
  • Gramma Kathy: 13 pounds

The result: 15 pounds 4 ounces*

* Note: he evacuated his bladder on the weighing table.

* Another Note: he was really hungry and had to eat a lot before leaving the doctor’s office.

40 day weight

peter - 15 October 2008

We’re using the bathroom scale, so we’ve got a resolution of 0.2 pounds.  The guesses:

  • Kristel: 13.0 pounds
  • Peter: 12.4 pounds

Result: 12.2 pounds*

Stay tuned for the next official weigh-in at the doctor’s office on Friday, November 7.

* – This is calculated by weighing Peter and clothes (238.6 pounds) and then weighing Peter and clothes holding Thomas without clothes (250.8 pounds).

3 week weight

peter - 26 September 2008

Weight update this morning.  The guesses:

  • Peter: 10 pounds 10 ounces
  • Grandpa Nick: 10 pounds 9 ounces
  • Grandpa Jim: 10 pounds 7 ounces
  • Kristel: 10 pounds 3 ounces
  • Grandma Eileen: 10 pounds 0 ounces
  • Grandma Kathy: 9 pounds 15 ounces

The result: 10 pounds 7 ounces *

* – for some reason, he got weighed at the doctor’s today with his clothes on (10 pounds 12 ounces), so we weighed the clothes seperately (4¾ ounces).

The results are in

peter - 20 September 2008

Weight on September 5: 9 pounds 5 ounces

Weight on September 8: 8 pounds 8 ounces

Guesses for Weight on September 19:

  • Peter – 10 pounds 2 ounces
  • Kristel – 9 pounds 9 ounces
  • Grampa Jim – 9 pounds 6 ounces
  • Gramma Kathy – 9 pounds 2 ounces

Actual weight on September 19: 9 pounds 12 ounces