Adventures of eating and sleeping

Easter 2010

kristel - 24 April 2010

Easter this year was full of celebrating, especially because it was surrounded by Momma and Daddy’s birthdays and also because my friend Gigi came over for dinner and an egg hunt. It was so much fun!

Thomas finds an Easter basket! Look at that yummy cake we get to have later!

Easter Picture with Spring Daffodils wearing German Lederhosen

Thomas and Georgia go egg hunting!

I found an egg!

Here's another one!

We can do this together...

All the eggs in one basket.

Yes, Gramma. Momma let me eat the chocolate bunny!

18 Months


He turned 1.5 years old towards the end of our Oregon visit.  We made sure to get a yellow chair picture when we got back home.  According to the doctor, he has grown 4 inches in the last 3 months and he’s now 3 feet tall.  He hasn’t gained much weight, since he is putting all that energy into going up!

Month 18 Yellow Chair

Portland Japanese Gardens


While we were in Oregon, there was a free day at the Portland Japanese Gardens.  Thomas had a great time roaming around, finding puddles to jump in, leaves to touch, and even some tasty gravel to munch on.  Yes, there’s me picking bits of rock and dirt out of his mouth.  I’m sure it tasted wonderful!

Oregon Coast in February!


This year, Thomas and I escaped an entire New Hampshire February and when Peter joined us for a week, we went to the Oregon Coast with Thomas’ cousins.  It was fantastic weather.

Oregon Trip, Spring 2010


We were lucky to be able to go to Oregon and enjoy a beautiful Spring in February and then go home to enjoy Spring all over again!  In this set, we’ve got Thomas playing in “Gamma” and “Gappa”s garden.  Enjoying a chocolate dipped cookie and upside down Valentine.  Chasing some chickens.  And a delicious kids meal with “Auntie” Jaime at the best kid-friendly, bicycle-friendly, organic brewpub ever.  Check out Hopworks Urban Brewery.  We love this place!