15 Months!
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve slowed down on the yellow chair pictures. We figure he won’t change as fast in his second year. Here is Thomas at 15 months old… we think he grew 2 inches over Thanksgiving!
Adventures of eating and sleeping
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve slowed down on the yellow chair pictures. We figure he won’t change as fast in his second year. Here is Thomas at 15 months old… we think he grew 2 inches over Thanksgiving!
I cannot believe that Thomas is already 10 months, because that means in 2 more months he will be…
( Today was a big picture taking day… so stay tuned! )
Here is the 9 month boy. He weighs in at 27 pounds 7 ounces and he is 29 3/4 inches tall, which puts him in the 90%ile for height. He is now wearing 24 month clothes. He is on the move… good thing the gates are up!
Thomas turned 8 months while Gramma Kathy and Grampa Jim were visiting. We missed the diaper picture… oops. But at least we got him in the yellow chair!
Here are the 7 month pics. They are a couple days late because we were too busy celebrating Daddy’s Birthday.
I can’t believe Thomas already made it to his 1/2 birthday. Wow, time goes so fast. Here are the latest diaper and yellow chair pictures. Enjoy!
Wow, Thomas is already at 5 months. Here are the new pictures. Compare to the other diaper and yellow chair pictures. He learned how to pull his socks off today!
Month 5 Cover
Month 5 Yellow Chair
Okay, so after catching up with all the Christmas pictures, the 4 month pictures are finally here. And next week will be picture time again! How can that be? These were taken the same night after a long plane ride home from Oregon. Thomas is not very excited about picture time, so we gave up and went to bed.
Month 4 Cover
Month 4 Yellow Chair
I can’t believe it’s three months, already. Happy Birthday to Cousin “Auntie” Jaime who is having adventures in Germany. Check out my other yellow chair pictures.
Another yellow chair picture. Growing, growing, growing!
Smiling… just in time to celebrate the One-Month-Day. I also decided to celebrate by wearing Gramma Kathy’s wizard-gown. What fun!
Here I am in the big yellow glider chair. We’ll check back later to see how I’ve grown.
I spent my One-Month-Day doing my two favorite things. Eating…
… and Sleeping.
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